Sunday, April 28, 2013

Guest Post! Finding Ease and Awe

This post comes from another member of the community, Tanya Williams.

Last night Charlotte came into my room.  She told me she had waited til she was in a generative space to talk about the situation of the need for space for guests during the upcoming Ontario Jam weekend and her need to continue to stay in the spare room.  She didn’t, however, BEGIN with saying this: that she needed to stay in that room, for she told me later she didn’t want it to be felt as: this is my need, so too bad for you!  She wanted first to reveal her process, hear mine, and to think together about what might be possible to create what we all wanted and needed. 

She described her experience of being in a delicate unfolding process, and how staying in that room in the heart of this community allowed her to experience her fears and discomfort in a context that held them as fuel for learning.  And she had been having coercive thoughts too: such as, feeling like she was taking up space that should be going to someone more deserving from the Jam.  When she paused and said she wanted to make space to hear my experience, she dropped her eyes for a moment.  I then saw her discipline lift them back up to meet mine.  Not a discipline that forces her gaze, but a discipline that reminds her of the reasons why it makes deep sense not to pull in, to stay open.  There was no tension in it.  I could feel the smile spreading on my face with the delight in her revealing all of it.  I knew she had worked hard to be aware of all the layers, and to be able to lay them all out for me to see, with relative calm. 

I felt that the impacts of this work she was doing would be part of the rich experience that people would have here.  I told her this and that I had actually already worked out something with another member of the community to meet the particular need for a spare room for one of the people staying here.  Charlotte said she had been ready to offer her apartment as well.  We sat and marveled at the ease of the conversation, and Charlotte reflected on the shift from seeing herself as a burden: “I will be this broken person hiding in the spare room” to: “I will be part of the powerful learning that will unfold.”  She said this changed everything.

There is something in this ease that is at my learning edge right now.  I reflected to Charlotte that I had opted out of work tonight, and this feels like very different behaviour for me.   I had been feeling a sense of urgency and anxiety stemming from the idea that I should seize the opportunity to work, and a generalized sense of scarcity.  And also a desire to seize the moment to work with the youth in the youth theatre company on certain things, and I have been having an experience with the co-director where I feel like I get a mixed message that if I have an idea to go for it, and then in practice it seems like he would rather do it himself.  I had the thought that I could reveal this to him and ask him what his experience is and what he wants, and, like Charlotte, I will wait til I am feeling the flow of the generative coursing through my veins.

I have been noticing the effect of this subtle coercing of myself, and how it relates directly to the tension that mounts in my body, manifesting mainly as pain in my jaw and shoulder.

The same day, on a walk with my partnre along the Grand, we were talking about our relationship and I let myself rest in a pause as we looked out onto the expanse of swiftly moving water.  (A meta-pause.)  I breathed out the thread of tension that had risen in me as my partner accelerated in his points and questions… and this feeling like I HAD TO keep up, but couldn’t… “I HAD TO…” was the clue: the tension was stimulated by the thought that I HAVE TO respond, have answers, reassure him, at the very least stimulate an epiphany or revelation, illuminating a tectonic shift to Humanity 3.0!   I shared this with him and he laughed and said that he wouldn’t expect that from me, and I noticed myself stiffen a little.  “What do you mean??” came out of my mouth, fueled by the thought that “I am someone who regularly stimulates revelation in people!”  Oh, the identity that hooks me!  Filled with a sense of fascination, I could just reveal that to him and then he revealed that he just meant that there are times when he asks me questions and I confound him with more questions.  We both laughed. 

I see the structure: I HAVE TO because THIS IS WHO I AM.

Charlotte brought up the old commitment: “Offer no praise and no blame.” and how she has conversations with herself, where she says: “you are not wrong for _____” and “you are not right for_____”.  I found myself relating to that old commitment in a new way: apply it TO MYSELF.
It is so damn subtle!  I feel amazed and deeply excited to be noticing these ways I am blaming or praising myself, as well as having a part of me strangely in awe at the tenacity of the old thinking in my system.  And there is a tenacity in the practice of meta-pause and the sensation of awe.

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